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Weekly update for Week Starting 1/27

January 31, 2018

Praises be to God!

Well we made it through three weeks of fasting as a church. We all tried to abstain from something in pursuit of the one who created everything and there are great testimonies of God's grace over our church in that time. Overall we can point to the great leader of our body, Jesus Christ, as the one who truly meets us in all circumstances as we call on Him.

During these three weeks we met for prayer Tuesday nights in North Tacoma and prayed as one to draw closer to God's heart for our city. Many hearts were touched and a lot of hunger for more of God was placed in many of our hearts.

This last Saturday we broke the fast together as a church. We shared a wonderful meal made fresh by our very own, Rachel Cardoza. It was a much needed time of fellowship with one another. We then moved into the sanctuary and started with some awesome praise music. We sang a very timely song, "Yours(Glory and Praise)." Truly all the praise and thanksgiving belong to God who supplies our every need. After worship we went straight into sharing what God had done during our fast and we ended with some thanksgiving and prayer for God to do more and reveal more.

Celebration of what God had done during the Fast!

Many wonderful things were shared about how God had met them in their fast and how God truly poured out grace on our church. Some voices that usually aren't heard at church were heard and boy was it beautiful to my ears to hear God working in everyone.

Some testimonies that were shared:

  • Pastor Dan and his family bought some frames off of offerup for 25 bucks and this man drove all the way from Issaquah to deliver them. They began talking and God really moved on Pastor Dan and Alan to talk about what was going on in Alan's life and to talk about Jesus. The Lord really used this time to work on Alan's heart to search a little deeper into who Christ is and hopefully, God-Willing, he will find life in Christ as seeks more and more. Praise God for supplying our church with divine encounters. Pray for Alan!
  • Rachelle and Aaron were moved to reach out to the homeless during our fast and were really impacted when meeting Austin, a homeless man off of the WA-512. God really guided their conversations and the man came to our church and was really impacted by God and was crying out to God for truth. Austin has reported that God has taken away his addiction to alcohol  since the meeting and he was offered a job down in Texas and it seems everything will be taken care of for him. SAY WHAT!??!? Wow! God really cares about each one of us and knows our every need. He uses you and I, in our weakness, to draw people from darkness into light. He is a glorious and merciful God. Praise to Him! Pray for Austin!
  • Some in our congregation stopped eating sweets during their fast and wanted to report the grace that God had given them during and after the fast that they didn't even miss sweets.
  • It was shared that God wants to provide us with comfort, protection and that he looks at us and sees a spotless bride. That we are fearfully and wonderfully made with intention.
  • Also shared was that God puts people in our paths for a reason. God wants us to be transformed by Him every day!

    Intently and intentionally seek Him out! It's not about you!!!! It's about being used to change someone's life!!

  • (Romans 14)A word from Pastor Dan: Whether we are fasting or feasting we are doing it unto the Lord.

  • Fear not I will be with you. When you are to be used by God he will be with You.

  • A wonderful word was shared by Carisa, that during the fast God was renewing hope in her heart. He was showing her all month that God was her hope. When you don't look to Him of course you won't have hope.

  • Brittni shared, "We are a mouthpiece for Him and we need to get up and say something even if it makes us look stupid."

Some verse that were shared:
  • Isaiah 58
  • 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
  • Ephesians 4:20-24
Pastor Dan was not able to share his whole sermon but gave us the three points:
  • Fast onto the Lord but also Feast onto the Lord
  • Corporate fast together but also corporate feast together
  • Celebrate Together!
Many words were shared and it was very encouraging. The fast is done but God is not done. He will continue to move in our church. Continue to report what God is doing. God is alive 24/7, 365/366 days a year. He is everlasting and so are His works. Please add anything we did not mention or something new you would like to share below. Thank you!

Moving Forward (Tuesdays)

The Gessler home group has met once again as of January 30th. We went over what God had done individually throughout our fast and heard some great feedback of what we liked and some things we would like added moving forward. It was a great time of reflection as a group.

The Wheelon home group is planning on meeting this next Tuesday.

Please reach out to Pastor Dan, Brittni or Troy, Dan W or Amanda if you have any questions.

Prayer Requests

Continue in prayer for our church to reach out to Parkland to see God move and shake our city. For revival. God is able to move anything. We need to seek His ways and not our own.

The Wheelons are planning on welcoming Anora February 13th. Please be in prayer for a safe and healthy delivery and for the adjustment to having two kids at home.

Please let us know if you have any questions comments, or prayer requests by emailing or commenting below.