February Already!?
I can't believe it but we have already made it into the month of February! January just flew by, but there was so much God did during that month. We truly are blessed as a body to have God leading us, through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. I am excited for the months to come as we dive deeper into Christ and what he wants us to do in Parkland. Please continue in your prayers for our church as we ask for God to release prophetic vision for our church. Something fresh and something that touches our hearts and makes us move into greater things. God is faithful! He will answer your prayers.
In small group world, the Gessler's small group discussed what they wanted to come from future Bible studies. It was great time of feedback for what we want to see in small groups. We also shared testimonies of cool things going on in our individual lives and asked for prayer from one another.
The Wheelons bible study got together and shared what was going on during the 21 day fast in their hearts. They also talked about Pastor Dan's sermon and how they feel called to respond to the word about Prophetic Vision.
We have some exciting things coming up for our church!
- First off, we have the women's retreat! The retreat dates are March 16-18 at the Embassy Suites hotel in Bellevue. You will join with ladies from our congregation as well as ladies from other Foursquare congregations around Western Washington. The planning team has been praying since October and they believe God has announced an invitation to the ladies of our congregation to join Him in a transformational weekend that He has planned for His girls. Please register and pay at least a $75 deposit by February 17th(Depending on donations, some financial aid might be available.)To register click this link: https://parklandfoursquare.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/10/responses/new If you would like to check out our Facebook group for this event please click here.
- Coming in March, we will also be having a very important meeting. We will be introducing an official way to call Parkland Foursquare Church home. This is a very exciting meeting to find where you fit at Parkland Foursquare and what you can expect from your leaders. Without using the term "Mandatory Meeting," this is a very important meeting for you to attend and we would ask that you carve out time for one of the two meetings. The first meeting will be on Saturday, March 3rd starting at 4pm and food will be provided. The second meeting will be on Wednesday, March 7th starting at 6:30pm. Dinner will not be served but there will be some snacks. Again please make it a point to make one of these meetings!
The Need for Prophetic Vision
Pastor Dan's Sermon
Before heading into his sermon, Pastor Dan shared with us a word that Elaine Kvamme had shared during the fast. Moses was told by God to strike a rock with his staff as the Israelites traveled in the desert. They were without water and were in great need so God told Moses to strike a rock and out of it would come water. Moses did and a RIVER poured forth with enough water to satisfy the thirst of hundreds of thousands. Pastor Dan shared that the river was already there. The power wasn't in hitting the rock but it was in the conviction and faith in the One who had the power to truly bring forth the needed water out of the rock. Open doors for our personal lives and our congregation, that allow God to do wondrous things, will come when we fight together as a community for breakthrough under the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Proverbs 29:18 || Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.||
This verse is a preface to what we will be diving into in the coming weeks, months and maybe years. As a church we will be going through the book of Acts.
The Book of Acts is really a chronicle of the early church following Jesus' commands to share His Gospel unto the ends of the earth. The book of Acts is an excellent book but it brings up questions in the heart of the believer in today's world. Why am I not experiencing what they were now? What is on the disciples hearts that unifies them in doing all of these recorded acts? Families were contending as one for the Holy Spirit to empower them in the upper room. This is challenging to our microwave Christianity of today. There truly was something about the early church that is so different from the rest of church history up to the present. The early church had prophetic vision oozing from their pores. They were overflowing with revelation, vision, and direction. It was no doubt messy, but God was moving in power and the conviction on the souls of many was thick. It allowed Stephen to stand with utter resolve and share the Truth of the Gospel with hostility all around Him. He could see Jesus at the right hand of the Father. We need this vision and revelation today. We need the conviction from God to move us into what God has for us individually and as a church.
What is prophetic vision?
We must start off first by saying what it is not.
Prophetic vision is not just a business plan. It's not just an organization of tasks that we thought up in a conference room. Prophetic vision is not a mission statement that we use to define what we want as a church.
Prophetic vision is not the written word. We need fresh declaration from God to convict us and bring us back to a path of righteousness. The written word guides and validates(or invalidates) our prophetic vision. But it still stands that we need God to speak directly to our hearts and where we are to move and direct us. (John 5:39-40) We need to have God speak directly into our hearts. His written Word will stand forever and will not be contradicted but we need Him to breathe life over the pages we read and the lives we lead.
What is prophetic vision? It is a disclosing of the thoughts of God prompted by the Holy Spirit. It is seeing what God is doing/saying (John 5:19, John 8:28.) We need God's fresh leading. We need his Manna for today.
What does this look like in our community?
One Clear element is that prophets are given a place to speak (1 Corinthians 14.) We need an atmosphere where prophets can grow and rise up.
When a prophetic word is given it breathes fresh life and conviction into our hearts and lungs. We want to move for God. O God, release your prophetic Spirit to give us wisdom and conviction to draw closer to You.
The Church needs prophets to step up and walk in their calling. God can and will use you! You may not know your gifting but God has bestowed on you gifts. When we walk in these giftings the atmosphere in our church and community changes. God opens our hearts individually and collectively. He even brings conviction on the hearts of unbelievers and they turn to God and give Him praise(1 Corinthians 14:24-25.)
Pastor Dan continued with what God had shown him during the last 21 days of fasting. He was put at a fork intersection and the church was there and there was an option to go one way or another. One was an easier way but led to a place we don't want to go. It was the business as usual path. The other path is fighting for God's vision to be made realized and not just settling for what we have now. It is the ones who have faith in what God says to do and they go and do that thing he commands that receive the rewards. We want more people to come to know Jesus in our community. We need to contend for God's Prophetic vision.
Pastor Dan then called our church to step forward if they needed a prophetic word for their life or they felt like God was raising them up in the prophetic gift.
Do you need a Word from God for your life, right now!? Are you gifted in the prophetic or feel like God is opening you up to speak prophetically? Please let us know. We would love to pray for God to release these things over our church and community.
Prayer Requests and Final Words
- Please continue in prayer for the Wheelons as they are welcoming Anora into the world on the 13th. Please pray for healthy delivery and for adjustment to two kids. Blessing to that family.
- Please pray for the Daggetts and the Gesslers as they are having some homeless issues in their neighborhoods. Please pray for wisdom in how to approach the issue and for God to bring conviction to those who are peddling drugs and stealing. We need breakthrough in our neighborhoods!
- Please pray for Rachel Cardoza's Aunt. "Please pray for my Aunt, who suddenly lost her husband (my uncle) yesterday. He was getting out of bed to go teach a Bible class a few days after being diagnosed with fatal lung cancer, and died just a few minutes later. My aunt is in shock. They've run a mobile ministry for children for twenty years now, which drives through neighborhoods doing fun Christian day camps in parks. They also just recently bought a business together... And she just is floundering without her other half."
Thank you all once again for taking the time to read this. Please contend this week for God to break through in your life and our church with prophetic vision. Also please mark down in your calendars one of the dates above for officially calling Parkland Foursquare Church your home.
Please let us know if you have any questions comments, or prayer requests by emailing info@parklandfoursquare.com or commenting below.