Back in the Saddle Again!
Hey everyone! I am glad to be back helping with updates and administration once again. My daughter, Lily Sophia, was born March 11th and it has been quite an adjustment getting used to having a screaming toddler and a baby, HAHA! Brittni and I appreciate your prayers and your presence in our lives. You are truly a Blessing.
Last weekend the women were on a a retreat and the church definitely missed their presence. Many were greatly impacted by the conference! In our bible study group powerful testimonies were shared by various women and I encourage you to reach out to those who went on the retreat to hear their stories of God's continuing work in their lives.
Our own Rod Graciano will be teaching this Saturday (March 24th.) We hope you can make it for his much needed message on Water Baptism. We will be having a baptism service soon after Easter and we wanted to have a preparatory message for those interested in making this step of obedience in their walk with Christ.
All in all I am blessed to be back to help fill you in on all the details of what is going on with our church. Let me know if you have questions for me.
Easter Service

Hello all! Easter is April 1st this year. I ain't fooling you! We will be having our Easter service March 31st and would love to have your help with service. If you are interested in helping please reply below or email
Also many families and individuals are more open to coming to churches on this holiday (as with Christmas) so please take the opportunity to invite friends and family members to PFC. We pray that God would use this day to help reach many in Parkland and Tacoma. Christ is risen and still working on the hearts of man. Praise Him for that.
Other Announcements

As mentioned above we will be having a Baptism service on April 7th. This provides an opportunity for those who have not been baptized and have a desire to walk in obedience to this command at this time. If you have questions please let us know!

In the month of May we will be having baby dedications and would like to invite parents of recently born children, if God is impressing this on your heart, to dedicate their children to the Lord in the midst of our congregation in that time. If a specific Saturday in May works best for you let us know by email or replying below. We are looking to have at most 2 families a Saturday throughout May just to make sure we give enough time to each family's dedication. Let us know if you questions, comments or concerns here. Thanks!

April 21st we will be having our church business meeting. During this meeting we will be talking about what has passed last year and what is ahead for our church. We will go over the financial health of our church and we will vote for ratification of church council members. We hope you can make this meeting as it is very important family business.
The Dwelling Presence of God at Pentecost
Pastor Dan' Sermon
Acts 2: When Acts 2 is read or interpreted (like all Scripture) we need to be careful where we go. There are many misconceptions as to what this chapter in Acts is conveying. As we read Acts 2 we see a miraculous event happen in the baptism of those waiting for the Promised gift of Jesus with the Holy Spirit. A mighty wind blows through the place where they are and the sound thereof. The saints have what looks like tongues of fire descend over their heads and they begin to speak in languages not their own. The crowd surrounding the area also experiences this event as spectators and many come to faith while others scoff. It is a very momentous time in history.
Shekinah, a hebrew term for tangible dwelling of God with man, can help us figure out what is going on here. The Shekinah of God is throughout the old testament and it comes and rests from time to time on the Israelites. The filling of Solomon's Temple to God, the exodus from Egypt in the pillar of fire and cloud, and the meeting of Abraham with God are examples of this.
This time the Holy Spirit comes to rest on the believers both in an unseen and very tangible way. This experience of God's tangible presence happens at pivotal times in our history and this is no different. The pouring out of God's Spirit at Pentecost on all flesh is accompanied with great signs and wonders that were promised long ago. God displays His power to confirm that a great event is happening.
Today we wonder of God still wants to tangibly walk among us. We feel far from God sometimes or devoid of a sense of reality of God working in our lives. Sometimes we long for the tangible presence of God to walk in and confirm it all to us. The Azusa Revival of the 1900's was started in this desire for God to pour out the tangible presence of Himself on those who were crying out for it. God still moves today and longs to make Himself known throughout the earth. We don't seek the miracles for the miracles sake. We want to know God and experience Him as much as we can. Even if a loud wind were to blow or tongues of fire fall down we long for the Holy God of all ages to meet with us and to make a home in us.
Prayer Requests and Final Words
Hello all! We have no prayer requests this week that have been submitted for public disclosure. However, my wife and I would like to ask for your continued prayers for our family as we adjust to having two kids. Patience and love for these two little ones.
Please pray for our Easter Service and for many to come and hear the Words of God and to be saved and brought to the God who loves their souls.
You all are such a blessing! I hope that if you have any questions, comments, concerns, feedback, etc. that you would please share below or email us at Have a great week and see you Saturday night!