Thank you for your interest in helping our community thrive!
77% of James Sales Elementary students are eligible for free lunches. This is in the top 5% of all schools in the state. Anyway our community can help lower the burden for these families is a big help. Last year Parkland Foursquare with the help of local businesses and others from our community was able to collect 500 containers of Clorox wipes! The teachers and staff at James Sales were so grateful for your generosity.
This year James Sales Elementary has asked us to help with 3 items that will help reduce the burden on these James Sales families. The total value of items requested is $1600. We can do this!!! We will accept donations until August 17th.
We will post our progress here. Keep checking back. Thank you!

While online donations are the preferred method to ensure we collect the correct products, you may also collect and drop off gifts in kind at Parkland Foursquare Church. We will accept donations on any given Saturday up to August 17th from 5 - 6pm or you may coordinate a different time to drop off with us. You can contact us at (253)200-9461 or
James Sales has asked that we collect:
- 200 boxes of tissues. These can be purchased at any store, but Costco has the best bulk deal!
- 225 pairs of Boy's size medium black crew socks. These will be used for storage of dry erase markers. You can purchase these at Target, Walmart orAmazon.
- $620 for Expo markers (1000 markers in total). Instead of collecting these, we've committed to raising the money so that we can purchase for the best price in bulk through their supplier.