This Saturday, May 26th, we will be having our Monthly Community Meal. A big thank you to Rachel for supplying the meal every month. This is a time where we can gather around a table and break bread together and share with each other God's love and fellowship. We hope you can make it!
If you are interested in helping with set-up or have any questions, please email info@parklandfoursquare.com or contact Rachel Cardoza directly if you have her contact info.
Men of PFC!!!! Come and experience great fellowship and an encouraging word from Kaj Martin, Lead Pastor at Seattle Foursquare. (Oh, and the food is going to be great!)
The conference will take place at Puget Sound Foursquare. Please click here if you would like to register.

As a church family we wanted to inform you about our ministry opportunities at James Sales coming up. We have an open door for volunteering as a classroom helper, tutor, chaperoning field trips, manning a station at their field day, bringing treats to put in their staff room and notes of encouragement and appreciation for all they do!
We are also going to start collecting Box Tops For Education labels from various products you consume on a day to day basis. These can be saved and turned in at church all year and we will get them to James Sales by their collection dates to help with providing cash for their school programs.
Also, we are going to start collecting specific school supply items hopefully starting in June through end of August. The James Sales staff and administration has identified 4 specific items for us to help with and take off the lists for their families. Will let you know what those are soon so we can start collecting those as well. :)

The Schmidtke's will be dedicating their baby boy, Ezekiel, at service this Saturday. Please join us to bless them and commit to helping Kyle and Carisa raise Ezekiel up in a way that honors the Lord.
If you recently welcomed a little one into this world (or have never dedicated your child) and would like to dedicate your baby(child) to the Lord at our church please contact us at info@parklandfoursquare.com. We will be having dedications throughout May and we would like to make sure we get a date that works best for you and your family!