May 7
Prayer #1 (Num. 6:23-26): God instructed the priests on how to bless Israel.
May 8
Prayer #2 (Isa. 60:2 with Isa. 62:1-11): that God’s glory shall be openly manifested in Jerusalem.
May 9
Prayer #3 (Dan. 9:4-19 with Ps. 102:13-21): that God’s face would shine on Jerusalem.
May 10
Prayer #4 (Isa. 11:11-16): The Lord promised to restore the remnant of Israel to God and from the land Isaiahdescribed areas to the north (Assyria), south (Cush), the east (Elam) and west (islands)
May 11
Prayer #5 (Isa. 24:14-16 with Isa. 27:2-6): The Lord will inspire new songs for and from Jerusalem.
May 12
Prayer #6 (Isa. 30:18-30): that He will release His grace on the people and land of Israel.
May 13
Prayer #7 (Isa. 33:2-6, 17): that He will impart wisdom and reveal His beauty.
May 14
Prayer #8 (Isa. 35:1-10): that the glory of God will be openly manifest in the midst of weak people.
May 15
Prayer #9 (Isa. 54:5-17): that God’s redemption will be witnessed by all the nations.
May 16
Prayer #10 (Isa. 45:17-24 with Isa. 52:6-10): that Israel’s salvation will impact all the nations.
May 17
Prayer #11 (Isa. 43:1-4 with Zeph. 3:12-17): that God will reveal His love for His people.
May 18
Prayer #12 (Isa. 63:7-64:2): that the Lord would rend the heavens and come down to help Israel.
May 19
Prayer #13 (Hab. 3:2 with Mic. 7:14-20): that He would revive His work and release great miracles.
May 20
Prayer #14 (Jer. 32:37-42): that Israel will be unified and filled with the fear of God.
May 21
Prayer #15 (Ps. 80:1-19): that the Lord would restore Israel.
May 22
Prayer #16 (Ezek. 20:34-41): that the Lord would plead His case with Israel.
May 23
Prayer #17 (Ezek. 34:11-31 with Jer. 3:14-18): that the Lord would shepherd Israel with great blessing.
May 24
Prayer #18 (Amos 9:11-15): that the Lord would restore the tabernacle of David.
May 25
Prayer #19 (Ezek. 34:11-31, Ezek. 36:23-37): that the Lord would glorify His name through Israel.
May 26
Prayer #20 (Ezek. 37:1-14)
May 27
Prayer #21 (Joel 2:15-32):
Isaiah 62 Fast Hub with many resources:
Creative way to engage Christian Children with Israel through art:
A good starting point:
"Why We Should Care About Israel Today?" by Dr. Micahel Brown
More prayer guides for Israel:
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